I Think, Therefore I Am!




Talk to Meathead and report the results to summoner Nomarkh Ankh in the cultists' camp.


Now we enter the final phase. Thanks to the fresh lifeforce, Meathead has started to talk. His brain is working better and his basic instincts are starting to operate. I hope that his instincts won't tell him to destroy every living thing he sees! It would be hard to part with such a valuable specimen, the product of my many years of accumulated knowledge.

As soon as I'm finished, you can have a word with him. Try to keep your questions simple. Basic syntax, no subordinating conjunctions or any of that malarkey. You know what I'm talking about.


What is this? What did he say? Couldn't understand a thing!

What a complicated thing the brain is... Yes, it will take some work to get him going.


I worry that my work with Meathead is only just beginning. But we do have one finding so far - the local undead know very well who Tep is. I would not be surprised if he's walked in Tep's lands.

Unfortunately, all we've been able to get out of Meathead are these bits and pieces. You go ahead and continue your wanderings for now, but keep your eyes open. And look for traces of Tep!


Experience: +8700

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