Sealed Power



Go to Aidenus and tell him about the secret of the Patrons.


Remember, fool, only the gods or forces equal to gods can destroy gods. And you, parasites, are abusing this force! "Patrons"... what a joke. Yet another lie is all it is. Couldn't you at least lie with dignity...

There were no Patrons. Or, more to the point, all of your mages croaked in the Cataclysm. Croaked, and that was that. And the floods that you and yours use so brazenly - I created those! First I gave some of my power to the dragons, but those brainless lizards wasted it left and right, weakening all the while. The power left them like wine through a sieve. Predictably, they were left weak and vulnerable... Of which the Junes took advantage, mowing them down almost to the last. Then I traded the dolt dragons in for Seals: concentrated power meant for a single purpose - keeping Sarn imprisoned. If it hadn't been for your Cataclysm, the whole thing might have lasted for quite a while. Luckily for Sarn and unluckily for us, catastrophe befell the Seals, and part of their power was lost to the astral. Part of my power!

The dragon's power, the remnants of which were utilized by your mages, and the power of the Seals, which you are using now while calling it Patronage - all of this power came from me! Do you really think that you can destroy me with my own weapons?

Frankly, I'm not even offended by your actions. Moreover, I would have thought less of your bravery and ambition if you hadn't challenged me. But I must say you picked the wrong time to interfere. You still can't use the Gates, no matter how hard you try. Tell your Aidenus that I said he can go get bent! As for you, we'll see each other again!


Well, well, what brings you and those burning eyes of yours to my office?


I see... Not the best news imaginable, that's for sure. Listen to what I have to say. After the catastrophe, simple folks needed a symbol to unite around, and that's what we gave them. Well, twelve symbols, to be exact. The dead can no longer be saved, but their memories remain with the living. And the power... Who cares whose power it is, as long as it's being used for good? Power is neutral. We, the sentient beings, are the ones who give it its bias.

To be honest, it's nice to have my hunches borne out. For now, it's not important which ones.

As for the Star Gates, I'm actually pleased to know that they are inaccessible to us. Imagine what would have happened with them at our disposal? The Gibberlings would have found themselves a new land. The elves' great houses would have sprung up everywhere, only to quickly wither for want of competition, and the pursuit of beauty in innovation. As for the Kanians, they'd have lost their roots, forgotten their ancestors and their faith... And what is a people without roots? Dust on the roads of history! It will be better if you don't tell everyone what you've learned...



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