Breaking and Entering



Help the Sharp Family inspect 5 houses in the Scientific Quarter.
  • 5 houses inspected 5/5
    (Escort the Sharp Family to 5 houses in the Scientific Quarter and wait until they finish the examination.)
  • Body examined


Hey! We could use some help here.
We want to search several houses in the Scientific Quarter. Maybe we can find out where everyone has gone?
Though we're too scared to go on our own. What if some beast sneaks on us from behind? We need you to keep a look out for us. Can you do that?


We succeeded more than I thought we would!


Is this thing... Dead? Are you sure? That's a pity...
Looks like this creature used to be a scientist once. At least the pass that you've found says so. Probably this is what a human being, affected by the Bestiary mutation, turns into. Could it be that all the local staff ended up like this? Such a terrible fate! I really wouldn't wish to share it with them...


Experience: +6290

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