Accident №42



Collect 10 fragments of the report in the mine and bring them to Yaver Gnostis.


...Something weird has happened here. I can see heavy burns on the bodies of modified scientists. Their clothes are mostly burnt and fused to their skin, which then rotted and fell off. It happened so long ago it doesn't even smell in here. Only the horrible sight and strange papers scattered around.
We should take a look at them.


Yes? What is it? I'm very busy.


"Yesterday, on July 13, 965, a burst of magical activity was detected in the 15th module of the Source, which resulted in modification of the appearance and behavior pattern of the experimental lizard specimen #4, contained in the..."
Damned recondite language. I don't mind it, but sometimes you just need to get straight to the point, if you know what I mean. Here it goes:
"The animal attacked lab worker Voronina (henceforth, V.), who tried to neutralize it with a shock baton. Upon skin contact with the animal, V. experienced intense pain feelings. Her skin covering started turning into a dark blue mineral, resembling..."
Well, there is some logic in that. As we know from Negus Jeeg's journal, the Object could affect the bodies of the staff. But mass impact on so many people at once... That seems hardly possible. However, the virus could incubate in several bodies, and then cause the subsequent outbreak... An epidemic. The modification started as a usual disease. It quickly adapted and spread through the whole complex. They tried to burn it with fire...
Obviously, unsuccessfully. Thank you for this precious document.


Experience: +4440

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