Dionic Games



Bring the invitation to Aidenus in Novograd.


Dominae of Aoidoi - and I am one of them now - wish to invite representatives of all the sentient races of Sarnaut to Ammer for a celebration.
This will be an unusual event. We call it Dionic Games. Our guests will be offered to participate in athletic competitions under the aegis of peace and mutual respect. The champion will be rewarded with the symbol of peace - a spear made of Astral silver.
Don’t worry - I will take care of everyone’s safety in my land.
Take this message to Aidenus. Don’t try to read it - the writing is enchanted. I personally invite you to participate in the Games.


This is all very sweet, but we don’t have time for their childish games - we have the Empire and Light knows who attacking us constantly!
Wait... A spear of Astral silver? How is this even possible?


Experience: +6225

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