Dionysius’ Race



Noose three wild bulls and bring them to Gaal-Tohtar.


Ay-hya, what am I even doing here? It’s the most boring place in the world! Nobody fights anyone. Nothing ever happens! Damn those peaceful Aoidoi.
What do you want, zoor? What? Trap some bulls? I used to do this when I was a kid, eysh! Do you call that entertainment? However... I have an idea. Why don’t YOU trap them? I will teach you. I bet it will be fun.
Here, kylys, take this noose. Throw it on a bull’s neck. Then it will run! If it runs towards you, be quick to dodge, and if it runs away, make sure to hold the rope tightly.
Now take this rope and go ahead!


Now take this rope and go ahead!


Haha, you’re a natural-born trapper, eysh! Just kidding. However, you trapped a couple of bulls with just bare rope. And not just somewhere but on Ammer, where they have so much life force! Be proud!
The job is done - the bulls are caught, your Amos is happy, and I had my fun. Now get lost, eysh!


Experience: +20335

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