Priden Shaman



Meet with Saad Tankha on Coba Plateau


The Priden is sitting on Coba Plateau in the Demon Hunters’ Camp.
To tell the truth, I’ve never had any dealings with their tribe, but I know they have their shamans and spirits, just like orcs. They are just called differently. And if this Saad Tankha is a shaman, let him tell you what he sees.


Hey, stranger!
I am Saad Tankha, the Priden Shaman sent to this allod by the doolgas who communicate with spirits and sages of our people.
Many strange things have occurred around here. The Doolgas saw a great exodus... many spirits left this world. Perhaps you witnessed it yourself. We are worried the same might happen to the Golases that have been guiding us for centuries. The troubles of the rest of the world usually do not concern my people, but what’s coming will affect all of us.


Experience: +25025

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