Meteorite Blood



Collect blood from the irradiated creatures inhabiting the lake.


{username}, since you already have to get in the lake for our honorable sculptor, why not check out one more theory?
As you see, there is a chunk of meteorite in the middle of the lake. Not too long ago, it was just a crater. But several years ago the meteorite started showing signs of life. This was before the invasion of the Architects on Dane... Catherina decided to sink the crater just in case.
Then some unusual local fauna quickly spread here. That’s what we need. I want to use the blood of these creatures to determine the essence of the Order within the meteorite. Then I’ll use it to try to strengthen our undead. So, what do you say? I knew you would agree.


Great work! We must use everything we can in the fight against Nihaz!


Experience: +49000

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