Time to Gather Bones Again



Raise 40 skeletons on the Corrupted Hill and report to Nawlad Jeer.
  • Skeleton warriors raised 40/40
    (Use the Necrosphere next to the remains at the Corrupted Hill.)


You know what my grandfather used to say?
"Raise them all, you'll sort them out later."
Time is pressing, that elf keeps sending me notes, asking how it's going and where the new warriors are.
So go the battlefield and raise them all. If any corpse makes a fuss and tries to hit you - hit them right back. Once they calm down, raise them again.
What are you waiting for? Go, {username}!


Some of them are too capricious. Now, now. Stop whining, it's your duty now - to serve me. Ha ha.


Experience: +72750

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