Mechanical Toll




Fix the harvester outside the base.


Our Expedition is still a huge risk. A financial risk, of course. Catherina and Felix couldn't care less how much the Expedition costs, but the Tycoon Council will hold me accountable for every penny spent here.
Even though there are plenty of spare parts for new mechanoids in our warehouses, we must cut corners wherever we can. Let's fix what was broken.
Like, for instance, our harvester. A universal resource collector and a moving processing plant that turns wood into ambrosia.
Try and fix it. You should find plenty of spare parts around the base.
Constant losses and growing costs take the wind out of my sails. Only future profits from ambrosia sales can warm this old heart.


Every second that our harvesters stand idly is a lost profit. Hurry.


The harvester is up and running once again? Excellent. The sounds of its cogs and gears, screeching saws, roaring power units are music to my ears. They make me richer my the minute!


Experience: +71155

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