Proving Yourself


Go to the Astral Quarter and pass on Fiercetusk's ultimatum to Squall.


Now you're one of us! But there's no time to chat. And here's an amulet for you. We give it to everyone who is worthy.
Ready for your first task?
Go to the Astral Quarter and find Squall the Unyielding - he's the head of the local Orcs. And give him my ul... ulti... ul-ti-ma-tum! There!
I was never schooled properly, so you'd better write this down!
Tell him he's an old goat, and that he'll be dead along with the rest of the shamans!
Now the warriors are going to lead the Orcs. His time is over. If he's a coward who prefers to die in a soft bed rather than on a battlefield - then he should surrender and pass authority to me! But I hope he's still an orc, and that he'll agree to an honest battle. My boys are bored and would love a good fight.
Well, that's my ultimatum. I'm sure Squall the Unyielding will accept the challenge.


Do you have something to report?

What?! A message from Fiercetusk the Roughneck? Speak now!


Experience: +1360

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