Spreading the Light



Return the Holy Relic to Strongaxe the Righteous.
  • (You can loot the Relics from Orcish Criminals and Orcish Hoodlums)


Hey, wait a second! I can see by your clothes that you aren't one of the local ragamuffins. I need help.
You probably haven't seen a lot of Orcs like me, eh? Orc Paladins! The Punishers!
Yes, we carry the power of the Light of the Trinity Church. Unfortunately, most of my brothers are nowhere close to understanding it, so they look at me funny. It's just a matter of time until they change their ways, though. I plan to build a church in this area to speed up the process.
The only problem is that I need an artifact imbued with the Light to lay in the temple's foundation. I had one earlier today, but it disappeared! It's a fragment of the Headlong, an Astral ship that sank at the Battle of the June Portal. It was this very ship that thwarted the attack of the ruthless octulhu while Nezeb and Skrakan tried to close the portal. Do you understand how sacred that artifact is? And it disappeared!
I think it must have been stolen by some of the unenlightened orcs in the area. When they saw me, they yelled that they would not allow a church to be built here, and they called me all sorts of names. I'm sure they were the ones who stole the relic. I'm ordering you to recover the relic. This is a very important holy mission! Don't let me down.
Now, where to find them... I'm afraid I can't tell you the exact location of those fools - you'll have to search around the Astral Quarter.


Ah, there is still much to do before the Light of the Trinity Church penetrates the hearts of my fellow tribesman!


Yes, that's it! Thank Nezeb it's back! Now the temple can be built! You deserve a reward. But remember, spreading the Light is more important than these trinkets.


Experience: +760

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