The Black Lord



Participate in killing the Black Lord and report back to Dubi the Dirty.


You know that we goblins also dream of becoming full-fledged citizens of the Empire. What makes us lower than the Orcs? We have two arms, two legs, and a head just like they do!

At the moment we're made to do the duties no one else wants to do... cleaning, painting, sweeping the streets. And you know why they've gotten away with this? Most goblins are too uneducated to complain.

The ones that do rebel against the system usually turn to crime. The other Imperial races use this fact to claim that we will never be able to be "productive members of society".

Have you ever heard about the goblin nicknamed the Black Lord? He's a vicious one. Even all of the other goblins are afraid of him. He commands all of the goblin criminals in town. His lair is located in the mountains to the west of Nezebgrad. Right now I bet he's planning more horrible things that make us all look bad!...

You think you can kill him? Ha! You'd best be careful if you want to pull that off. But if you could, myself and other goblins like me would be eternally grateful.


If you kill the Black Lord things will be so much better for the goblin race as a whole.


Hurray! The Black Lord is dead! I'm going to write a letter to the City Council telling them that goblins are starting to walk the path of good. I'm sure that goblin emancipation is just around the corner!


Experience: +800

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