Sewer Extermination



Kill 10 Stinking Slugs and report to Stinky the Nimble.


And now we finally come to report one thousand, three hundred forty-seven. This one is about the slugs near the Sewage Plant. The plant workers are complaining that while the slugs are small, they breed so quickly that they've eaten all the vegetation.

More importantly, they produce so much slime that three Xadaganians and one Orc have had to go to hospital with broken limbs from slipping!

Hm, this is a pretty old report. I reckon those broken bones have been healed for more than a year now, but I doubt those slugs have left of their own good will! They've probably gotten bigger too. How about taking care of this for us?


The slugs are getting bigger, you say? Well, what do you want me to do? I'm just one person, I can't deal with everything at once.


Thanks for eliminating those slugs. Maybe the other workers will complain less now. I have a reward for your help. Choose anything you like. Oh, and take this certificate signifying your assistance in Imperial sanitation issues.


Experience: +800

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