



Speak with the three Council informers - Hammerblow the Fierce, Yaver Mbizi, and Lev Ragulin. Inform Council agent Pavel Nevolin of the results.


There's also another matter.

You know, in a big city like Nezebgrad there are plenty of rumors going around. Some of them are started by the City Council itself, sure, but there are also rumors we've had nothing to do with. Those need to be investigated.

Usually they're not worth a damn. Take, for instance, the story about the Rat Man. We looked into it, trying to find out what was going on... Eventually, we found him. Turned out it's a regular Xadaganian guy who was a little crazy. He thought he was a superhero, so he got himself a tight suit and started running around the sewers. Poor guy!

And now there's this gossip about some Temptress. That she was seen here and there, confusing men and disturbing their daily lives. This is unacceptable! So we've got to sort this out. Let's do this - you go talk to the City Council's three informers. You'll find Hammerblow the Fierce in the Old Square, Yaver Mbizi at the Triumphal Arch, and Lev Ragulin in the Hadron Quarter. I believe you've already meet them, hehe...


Temptress... Well, well!

We'll see what troubles will befall our heads...


So, the construction area on the Old Square... That's where the winged Temptress was seen...

Let's work on that!


Experience: +600

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