Joining the Reds



Take 15 pairs of Hyena Ears to Shildar the Wily.


I don't have much time so I'll keep this brief. There are two battalions based in our district - the Reds and the Blues. The two battalions are always competing against each other. It helps maintain the fighting spirit.

You will be dispatched to join up with the Red Battalion, code name Lions. The Blues are known as the Hyenas, so on your way to the base you'll need to kill some hyenas as part of your initiation ritual. As soon as you meet your commanding officer, hand over fifteen ears of the beasts and you will become a full-fledged soldier.

Remember that this is not just some game! If you want a career in the army, you need to be able to devote yourself entirely to your battalion!


Can you handle a weapon? We don't need any faint-hearted types. The Blues are already winning most matches as it is.


So you can take care of some hyenas. Hmph. Well that was a pretty easy mission, so don't expect me to be jumping for joy.

What we need now is not some ears, but revenge! I hope you've got some battle experience, because now it's time to find out exactly what you're made of!


Experience: +1100

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