Treasure Hunting: Natural Wealth



Find the hidden treasure to the east and report your success to Shildar the Wily.


Rumor has it that an ancient treasure is hidden somewhere to the southeast. It might just be something made up by the Blues to distract us, but I don't think it is.

I know for a fact that a lot of weird stuff happens near the border to the Dead Sea, so I bet the treasure has something to do with that. Maybe some pirate buried it there long ago when the area was still a vast ocean!

I suggest that you search for it while you're off duty. Just make sure it doesn't interfere with your work!


There's nothing like a good treasure hunt! Even the goodwill of our superiors and following the regulations isn't as important as finding a secret stash of goods!


Wow, I can't believe you actually found it! No, I didn't doubt its existence, I just doubted your ability to find it! Hah!


Experience: +920

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