The Immortal Army



Use the Imperial Flare near 8 Dead Soldiers and report to Yasskul Herneith.


I am Yasskul Herneith, the leader of the IMD Priests. I am quite skilled in holy magic if I do say so myself. The power of Tensess is the foundation of holy magic. One of the most curious things is the fact that this power works even on those who do not believe in "Tensess' Gift".

This is very convenient, for losses on the battlefield are inevitable. As long as the body of a fallen soldier is fairly intact, we will be able to use this power to resurrect them and send them back into battle.

Right now I am conducting an educational course on how to perform resurrections in battle conditions. You are going to help my students out by finding the bodies of fallen soldiers.

You should find several if you look around the vicinity of these training grounds, and when you do simply light this flare. My students will follow the signal and perform the resurrection rite immediately. At least they better - the Imperial Army is no place for failures!


Being killed in a scrap with termites is not exactly an honorable way to go. We must revive our fallen warriors.


I must express my gratitude to you. You have helped return a number of fine soldiers to the army, and hopefully those students will be able to repeat the process on a real battlefield!


Experience: +960

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