Surt Junior




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Greetings, {username}! I am Yabko's sister Yalane, the messenger who was supposed to find Surt Junior and get his secret ingredient for the mead… What is it? Oh no, it's the Greatest Secret of the Meadmakers! Secret!
The thing is, I couldn't get to the keeper! There were terrible sounds coming from his dwelling in the lava fissure, and I was afraid to go inside... I think Surt might be in danger!
I've heard about your exploits, so maybe you can help? We'll be indebted to you.


Kill them all! Hmm…


Ah, bastards! Servants of the accursed Frost and vile cats! They are in cahoots! Yes... it would be really bad without you...
And who are you, anyway? An Orc? I haven't seen one in a long time!Another cat? But black?! Priden?It's the first time I see someone like you. What are you?It's the first time I see someone like you. What are you?It's the first time I see someone like you. What are you?It's the first time I see someone like you. What are you?It's the first time I see someone like you. What are you?Another noisy Gibberling family? What brings you here?


Experience: +196620

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