Oblivion by Fire



Burn the old bones.


Caw! Since you come here, longing to see one of the eternal wanderers, are you certain that he is where you hope to find him?
There are some who were not destined to board a stone boat! The frost took them, encasing them in eternal ice. Fear them, because they can rise as draugr, bringing the deadly cold further - to everyone who is still warm and breathing...
Are you not afraid? Then descend into the dark cold gorge on the Path of the Forgotten and set their bones on fire!


Do not pity the dead. They yearn for rest...


You did not fear those who are no longer breathing, who are as cold as everything around them. You looked into their dead eyes...
But the one you are looking for was not among them. The bones that burned today were not his! Caw!


Experience: +131080

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