Twilight Isle Cannons



Use Pandemonium cannon to kill 10 Demon Destroyers near the chains. Report to the Headquarter Astralophone in Overlord's Stronghold.


Huge pulsating scarlet letters are displayed on the Astralophone surface:

"Attention! Demons are trying to attack the Citadel. Troops stationed on the Twilight Isle must stop them at any cost.

To those who are faithful to their Overlord! Fight for your faith, for Sarnaut and the truth!"

The second part of the message is displayed below:

"Our scouts learned the exact time when demon predators are going to try and break through our coastal defenses. You can see this time in your calendar. If demons and cultists manage to coordinate their attack from the land and the Astral, defenders of the Citadel will suffer great losses.

Anyone capable of shooting the Astral cannons - receive your Pandemonium cannons at a specified time and kill Demon Destroyers near the chains on the southern coast. Destroy at least 10 Demon Destroyers to stop their assault on the Citadel."


Scarlet letters informing about the increased demon activity are still vivid on the surface of the Astralophone.


Scarlet letters flash, and another message appears:

"Stay on course, Seeker of Truth! Demons suffer great losses, today they will not attempt to break into the Citadel. The enemy is not overthrown completely, and if tomorrow they attack again, we will hold another warm welcome."

Remember, Overlord encourages not only those who can bravely fight alone. If your guild helps us in the war against Sarn, if your comrades participate in upcoming battles against the Twilight Isle demons, the Prestige of your guild will increase incredibly."


Experience: +3360

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