I'll Come to Your Palace


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • World Mystery
  • Level: 106
  • Required level: 105
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Zone:


Learn information from Alice and go to Hirkalla.
  • Talk to Alyosha
  • Talk to Alice
  • Take a carriage to Hirkalla's palace near Alyosha's house


I don't know how to explain this, {username}!
In short, I know this Alyosha. And - I don't know THIS Alyosha. You see, I met him back in the Old Era. He was the leader of the Order of Stars, a famous sage and scholar. And he had a completely different biography.
This Alyosha knows nothing about that. You think someone is impersonating him?
If only it were that simple! There are other discrepancies... It's like another world, a parallel reality where everything happened differently. The history was rewritten...


It's time to find out what's going on here, in the capital of shadows.


What a guest! And they have news!
It's too bad my sister isn't with you. There is a nice cell waiting for her.


Experience: +106720

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