It's a difficult choice!



Talk to the Gray Prince about getting help, then return to Hirkalla.
  • Tell Hirkalla you are ready to go
  • Talk to the Gray Prince
  • Find a suitable outfit and hand it over to the Gray Prince
    (Look in the chests nearby)
  • Return to Hirkalla
  • Talk to Hirkalla


Now we need to recover his Spark and... it's not that easy, {username}. We'll need a ship and a crew... I'd rather not take my forces from Jigran, but there's someone who can't wait to resurrect him - the Gray Prince.
Talk to her - she can take her jinns. It should be enough for what I intend to do.


So what are we waiting for?


Well, not bad... I like Nezeb's style - he took four talented mages, had four powerful jinns possess them, and got powerful and immortal bodyguards.
I hope their skills haven't dulled while they were sitting in the Cave of Wonders.


Experience: +163625

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