- Starts:
- Ends:
- World Mystery
- Level: 110
- Required level: 110
- Zone:
Private Allod
Examine Astral emanations over the allod.
- First Astral emanation
- Second Astral emanation
- Third Astral emanation
- Fourth Astral emanation
- Fifth Astral emanation
Before we find the source, we must study the consequences of your allod's expansion. Did you notice the shining clots of Astral emanations over your allod last night?.. I find them very interesting!
Try studying them yourself. Pegasus will help you reach them.
Try studying them yourself. Pegasus will help you reach them.
Are you done? I can't wait to start the research.
Well, I would recognize this magic signature anywhere... Keeper, these emanations are not Astral-related.
On the contrary. They were produced by the Great Dragon.
Do you understand what this means? Demons believe that the Dragon hides on your allod. Not Dragon's Spark, like on the Frozen Frontier. Not its remnants, either. Your allod is very young, there's no way it could have such things.
But how could this happen?..
On the contrary. They were produced by the Great Dragon.
Do you understand what this means? Demons believe that the Dragon hides on your allod. Not Dragon's Spark, like on the Frozen Frontier. Not its remnants, either. Your allod is very young, there's no way it could have such things.
But how could this happen?..
+30 Mercenary Payment
+5 Embrium