


Locus destroyed


Frankly speaking, I am not a big fan of landscapes, but... this world is beautiful in its own way. It has its cold and magnetic charm... And this creature is extraordinary in its... fidelity.
I don't feel very well. I could use some rest, but here it is an unattainable luxury. I am afraid if I come closer to Locus, I... I'm sorry, but this time I can only help you with a blessing. This placing is starting to affect me in a bad way...
Go! Fight, and remember - the fate of our world is in your hands. Me and Elizaveta will come to the rescue if we feel that Locus is growing weaker. But before that, we will stay here and try to hold the onslaught of the Architects. May the Light guide you!


Good luck!


Well, everything worked out. I could blame the Sculptor for treachery, but what's the use of that? Obviously, we shouldn't have trusted him from the very beginning. He is an alien to us.
I must admit I was hoping that now that he'd lived in solitude, we wouldn't turn his back on us. But everyone makes mistakes, and I am not an exception.

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