Road on the Bones



Kill the monsters in the passage, reach the other side of the mountains, find surviving soldiers in the Squirrel Grove, and use the beacon to summon Eladia.


If the Architect hadn't been lying - and I am not sure if they are capable of lying - then we're running out of time. The army is stuck on the battlefields and can't possibly reach the other side of the allod to destroy the Path anyway - there are way too many monsters on the shore.
There is this passage in the mountains, they call it the Road on the Bones. Legends say some dark creatures dwell in there, but I really doubt that they are more dangerous than the Architects. I will give you a beacon. When you reach the other side of the mountains and find a place for the camp, summon me - I will open the portal. Let's try and strike the Architects in the back and catch them off guard before they have laid their Path!


When you reach the other side of the mountains and find a place for the camp, summon me - I will open the portal. Let's try and strike the Architects in the back and catch them off guard before they have laid their Path!


Finally! What took you so long?
So what do we have there? Partisans? You don't say! I thought there were no survivors in the north. I should speak to their leader.


Experience: +15210

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