


Tell about the death of gods to the Keeper of Secrets in Novograd.


Wait, are you telling me that Sarn and the Architect have killed each other in a massive battle? And nothing is threatening Sarnaut anymore? And you want me to believe it without any evidence? Well, like I have a choice...
Luckily, very few people know that gods exist. For most of them, Architects are just insentient creatures from nowhere, and hardly any of them know who Sarn was. If you are telling the truth, and gods exist no more, then it won't really affect the lives of regular folks.
We'll see whether you're telling the truth or not as soon as the Astral storm eases off and we send an expedition to the site of battle. If it all had really happened the way you tell it, then you will be indeed the greatest hero in Sarnaut!
It's not the first time that you save the world, you know. But this time no one should know about it. This is too big. Some will start worshipping you, some will start hating you. This will do none of us any good...
But at least you should speak with Lovewise Catfish - the future generations deserve to know who they owe their lives to.


Well, do you have a story for the next chronicle chapter?


This... This is unbelievable!

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