Construction Emergency




Ask Corci Gold-Tooth and Tur the Bull’s Roar for help.
  • Mountainfolk asked for help
    (Complete the Deal with Stone quest given by Corci Gold-Tooth.)
  • Minotaurs asked for help
    (Complete the Hoof Rivalry quest given by Tur the Bull's Roar.)


Sorry, Stormbringer, I drifted away... My ambitions played a bad joke on me.
I intended to build something very special for the Dionic Games, but it took too much effort from me... But I’m not giving up! I will keep building until it’s finished!
No time for vanity, my friend. I have to ask you for help...
There are two peoples on Ammer whose assistance I need. Minotaurs are sturdy warriors and vigilant sentinels - I need them to guard the Labyrinth. And there are mountainfolk - nobody knows more about underground construction than they do. I can’t go on without their help and advise.
Could you speak with them, Stormbringer? I must admit I feel too intimidated to approach them myself.


I need coffee.
And I need it now!


The construction goes at full speed, thanks to you, Stormbringer! I don’t know how I can thank you.
Even Tur’s warriors expressed their willingness to assist the construction! Now it will be completed so much faster.


Experience: +6225

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