Enough for now



Talk to Nomarkh Hanotep in the hangar.


How did you feel in the astral? This is only beginning. Scary monsters live in distant sectors! The very sight of them will make you tremble. We aren't taking you there, no way. Did you expect our captain to be your ride forever? No way. We'll give you a ship if you don't have one, but you need to steer it yourself. Do you even know how to steer? No problem if you can't. Talk to Nomarkh Hanotep, he'll teach you in a jiff.


I remember the time when Astral ships could be counted on the fingers of one hand, and people used to respect captains almost as much as they respected Nezeb himself. Today ships gain so much popularity, anyone can become a captain. If you need navigating lessons, you've come to the right place.

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