


Call Outcasts in the Covert Hide and Catherina's guards in the Lower City to peace and report to the Ghost at the Ancient Mound.
  • Call Catherina's guards in the Lower City to peace
  • Call Outcasts in the Covert Hide to peace
  • Return to the ghost


Here's what I'm thinking. If this paper is so important for this world, why don't you use it? Everyone from the both sides respect you greatly, so you are naturally going to become and ambassador. You will tell them that the disaster is near, and that they all must obey the peace treaty... You know the politics better than I do.
There are many smart guys among them. Some will surely believe you. Talk to the outcasts in the Covert Hide, then go speak with Catherina's guards in the Lower City...
Only time will tell if I am right or wrong, but I'm sure we can work it out.


How is it going?


Is this the army of the living? This is bad... They will flee, just as soon as they see the undead... All they can do is brag. But we still have hope. They can't see me, so don't you give away that I'm here... and listen carefully.


Experience: +1035

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