Iron Memory




Try and reprogram the Mechanical Adder in the Sanitation Zone and return to Sarbaz Baybut.


I have an idea... a crazy one, but it can work!
I noticed small Mechanoids in the Sanitation Zone - they look like serpents. So I am wondering, why would they need mechanical snakes? I think they could have been used as spying devices. We could reprogram one of those snakes and send it to inspect the lab without risking our lives...
Take the Master Key. I've improved it a little...


Did it work? Have you fixed the adder?


Is this all that was left of the adder? Well... We need a new theory.
Wait! I've seen these "mechanical eyes" before. They work pretty much like deserotypes! Which means we can see what this eye saw! Give it to me!
Now, that's you, with a puzzled face and the smoking Master Key.
And that must be Otvagin with his soldiers! Such a heroic face!
And there goes the interesting part! The "monstrous scientists" are breaking through the barricades. We were right - they look just like the beasts from the Bestiary. Look at that soldier - he is controlling a giant Mechanoid, using a device that looks like the one that you've found... Now I know how we can break in!


Experience: +9250

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