Appeal to the Light



Ensure the support of Marianne de Ardeur and return to Murk on Ferris.


You are telling interesting things... I don't really know much about that Ferris expedition. It was Marianne de Ardeur, the prioress of the Church, who decided to keep an eye on the Historians.
You should go to her and tell her everything. I will do my best to help you - provide you with my best guys. I was wounded recently, so I'm not a great helper right now.
Come on, go, before anyone sees you like that.


What did Izbor say?


Marianne? The prioress? I don't trrust priests. I hope you know what you are doing...
Zimina is messing with us again. While you were away, she contacted somebody from the Empire. I had to corner her, eysh!
She was appealing to the Council.
I should have thrrown her down the chasm! Even now she continues to babble that it was all for Herbert. The worst thing is, I believe her. Ay-hya... Women!
Soon both the League and the Empire will be here. Two bears in one den! We will have to keep them from jumping at each other's throats if we want to get out of here alive!


Experience: +3700

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