Improvised Resources



Find useful spare parts in the cave and bring them to Elena Zimina.


Alright, let's get to work. Herbert is waiting for us.
We will explode no more doors! We don't need the whole place to collapse. This time we will do it my way. I have studied the security system of this complex, and I think I can assemble a device that will help us bypass it. Luckily, we are dealing with a prehistoric technology...
As I configure the main circuit board of the device, please, search this place. It looks like it used to be some kind of workshop, so most likely we will find something useful. Even simple buttons will do.
Come on, bring everything you find!


Once I accidentally fixed a ship reactor with a hairpin! The mechanic's face was priceless, haha!


I think that would be enough... With a configured board, it is just as easy to set up a device as to make a bomb!
And the result is much less messy. Last time you did it I had to wash down the dust for an hour! And what if I didn't have a shower? Ah, I was so angry with you!


Experience: +4440

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