News for the Gibberlings



Visit the Gibberling Embassy in Novograd and relate Ton the Windblower's story.

  • Travel to Novograd
    (Wait for the ship to arrive, board it and sail to Novograd.)


At long last I saw the mage I owe my life to! He's a strange one. I tried to thank him, and he started waving his hands and talking ‘bout some urgent business. Ah, to heck with him!
I decided to wait for the others with the Elf. Since you'll be the first to Novograd, will you do me a favor? Please visit the Gibberling Embassy in the Gibberling District and tell them my story. I'm sorry to say that my search has failed. I was not able to find the Gibberling homeland but maybe other scouts will have more luck.
Thank you for everything. Losing my sisters was a serious blow, I tell you. But I will continue on my way, perhaps together with Lok, another loner like myself. Together we'll have an easier time dealing with our loss. Maybe we'll meet again one day!


We are the Gray Family, the Gibberling Ambassadors in Novograd. Asgerd, Stein, and Torvar. It is our great pleasure to make your acquaintance. What news do you have?


I see. Even though that expedition failed, I'm sure that one will eventually find our beloved homeland.


Experience: +320

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