The Power of the Light


  • Faction: League


The main ideological difference between the League and the Empire is the source of holy energy. The Imperial heretics will do anything to justify their right to use holy magic. Because of this dispute, the Holy Land have become the grounds for an ideological war. It's time to put an end to these arguments and find the true source of the Light!

Stage 1

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Gorislav Kovchegov in Asee-Teph (Level 23). Once you are done with your task, speak with this NPC again to complete it (Level 27).
Faith is a weapon as dangerous as the sword. The League has been fighting the Imperial ideology for ages. The Empire must be made to accept the truth.

Stage 2

You can start this stage of the World Mystery by speaking with Zosim Nikulin in Eljune (Level 31). Once you are done with your task, speak with Afanasy Firov on Coba Plateau to complete it (Level 31).
The power of the Light is being threatened! Wicked cultists have been trying to warp it to their own ends. They have recently been very active in Coba Plateau, a place filled with mysterious artifacts. It is here that a war is taking place, but it's not being fought over the ancient treasures. It's being fought to save every soul in Sarnaut. We need the Inquisition to scorch no only the Imperial heresy, but fight the pristine Darkness.

Stage 3

You can start this stage by speaking with Gorislav Kovchegov in Asee-Teph at level 35. It leads to Tensess Temple. Speak with Aidenus in Novograd to complete it.
The truth can often be bitter. It has been revealed that the source of holy energy is not Tensess nor Skrakan and Nezeb. Instead, it originates from the belief that Sarnaut's inhabitants have in it. Perhaps this is for the best. Let it be so.

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