Hunter's Trap

Hunter's Trap
Rank: 1
The Scout sets a trap in a selected area with a radius of 5 yards. No one else can see this trap.
The trap is set for 3 seconds, then it stuns all enemies who get in range for 3 seconds. Disappears afterwards.
Maximum lifetime of the trap: 120 seconds.
Hunter's Trap
Rank: 2
The Scout sets a trap in a selected area with a radius of 5 yards. No one else can see this trap.
The trap is set for 3 seconds, then it stuns all enemies who get in range for 3 seconds. Disappears afterwards.
Maximum lifetime of the trap: 120 seconds.
Hunter's Trap
Rank: 3
The Scout sets a trap in a selected area with a radius of 5 yards. No one else can see this trap.
The trap is set for 3 seconds, then it stuns all enemies who get in range for 3 seconds. Disappears afterwards.
Maximum lifetime of the trap: 120 seconds.

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