The Art of Creation



Nihaz, the God of Darkness, the Director of the great performance, demonstrates his divine power before the heroes' astonished eyes and creates a new allod out of primordial matter known as the astral. And yet his methods compel you to consider that there might be something else, something even bigger behind this act of creation....


You have solved the "Art of Creation" mystery


What?! You were actually able to see the creation of new land, and you're not running at full pelt to report this to the Committee? You do realize that this knowledge can turn the whole world on its head?!

What do you mean you "don't want to be sent to an insane asylum?" Then again... I admit, if I didn't know you and that your words could be trusted, I'd be the first to call an ambulance. But I am prepared to hear you out. So speak!


Unbelievable... So it's not about divine origins or unlimited power, but only your inner strength, a belief in your cause and the passion to create? All you need is to know yourself, so as to expel all doubts from your soul? The unshakable faith...
You realize that the things you speak of are virtually impossible to achieve for mere mortals! I think that he who comes to know himself absolutely may be called a god...


Experience: +110

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