Another Candidate



Speak with Feodor Baskov in Amberwood.


Let's talk about our lady innkeeper. I have no intention of becoming her husband or even explaining my reasons for refusal. However, I do know how to help the merry widow.

The evening that I last set eyes upon her I had a drinking companion, a hunter by the name of Feodor Baskov. He was a widower himself, and the innkeeper took a fancy to him.

Go to him and explain the situation. You can find him at the hunters' camp in Amberwood, just to the south of Novograd. I'm sure Feodor will be happy to hear about the innkeeper's search.

Now you'll be able to make three people happy - the innkeeper, the hunter, and yourself. I bet you're sick and tired of running all around Lightwood trying to find her a potential husband.


What is it that you need?


Maya? Of course I remember her. She's a very nice lady - so practical yet caring. Oh... you say she's become a widow? What does that have to do with me?


Experience: +760

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