Meeting with the Leatherworkers



Speak with the Raw Family in the Gibberling District.


Describe tailoring? How can anyone describe a sunrise? How can anyone describe a dancing girl? They must be seen.

However, I will say something. My main clients are mages and summoners, who need freedom, not defense, to fight. And believe me, they are all sharp dressers and don't want to wear rags! Only us tailors can solve this very important issue!

I am not afraid of competition, like some of my colleagues. And I freely sell a manual and instruments. If you will resolve to study this craft, you will need to buy them from me.

However, if you don't like tailoring, then talk to other schoolmasters. For example, Raw family, who are experts in tanning hides. You can find them in the Gibberling District.


Well, hello! How's life?

Want to find out more about tanning? We can tell you a lot!


Experience: +240

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