Meeting with the Alchemist



Speak with Sivoyar Zablosky in Aidenus' Tower.


So you think you can compete with us, huh? Well that's fine by us! Our great nation is brimming with new recruits. Scouts, Pagans, Mystics - they all need leather goods! There's certainly enough work to go around!

We've even got a training book for sale complete with tools. It's not exactly free but not expensive either! All you need to get started is to buy our package!

If that doesn't suit you... You could always try speaking to Sivoyar Zablosky, the alchemy teacher. You'll find him in the Main Square by Aidenus' Tower.


Ah look, another adventurer come to seek Sivoyar's knowledge. If it wasn't for my orders, I would be the richest and sole alchemist in Novograd. Listen closely, because I'm only going to explain this once.


Experience: +240

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