Black Urun




Rescue Murk from the fighting pit.


In short, we caught a black Urun - I don’t know where he came from - and threw him into the pit so he would fight the Whites! Sounds like fun, right?
Although… you look the same… maybe we shouldn't have?Hmm, I see by the look on your face that something is wrong…Hmm, I see by the look on your faces that something is wrong…Hmm, I see by the look on your face that something is wrong…Hmm, I see by the look on your face that something is wrong…Hmm, I see by the look on your face that something is wrong…Hmm, your reaction tells me that something is wrong…Hmm, I see by the look on your face that something is wrong...
He's your friend, you say? A Priden? One of those who once fought with us against the Orcs? Oh, bother... But he fought bravely, so he might still be alive? I suggest you hurry, otherwise anything can happen!
Just remember that it wasn't out of malice - we just had no idea that the Pridens returned!


We need to see the Spinners! Only they will help. Who are they? Have you never heard of the Thread Keepers? Yes, that's exactly what they are!


Experience: +221200

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