Isa's Ancient Curse





Reach the Thread Keepers.
  • Escort Murk and Broddie Stalwart to the square.
  • Enter the house of the Thread Keepers


Anyway! {username}! Listen to me. I don't like repeating myself. When I'm asked again, I usually give people a kick to jog their memory!
Since ancient times, in every large Gibberling village, there is a special house with a sacred loom in it. The Thread Keepers weave the great canvas on it - the Fabric of the World, and thereby determine the Patterns of Fate and try to direct the Threads of the Gibberling Path in a way that they form the most favorable pattern for us.
It is they who know what was, what is, and what will be! I'm afraid that an evil that has been imprisoned for a very long time has awakened... and now we need to defeat it...


Ah, there you are...
We've been waiting for you for a long time, yes. We saw your Thread in our canvas. Black as night itself. Yes, yes, {username}, we're talking about you... Stormbringer. They didn't name you that for nothing. No, no, be quiet about the Urun, don't say a word. We know everything, we've seen everything...
Fools! You have awakened the ancient curse of Isa!


Experience: +54880

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