Pelt Shortage



Obtain Lynx and Fox Pelts.


Hey Orc, how are you? {username}!Aho! Is that what you say? Aho, {username}!Hey, furless one! Is your name {username}? Have you ever seen snow?Hey, furless one! Is your name {username}? Have you ever seen snow?Hey, furless one! Is your name {username}? Have you ever seen snow?Hey, furless one! Is your name {username}? Have you ever seen snow?Hey, stone guygal! Is your name {username}? Have you ever seen snow?Hey, fellow Gibberlings! {username}!
No weapons can help us if we all freeze here! Remember that a true Gibberling is not one who never gets cold, but one who dresses warmly! Our own skin is good, but a second one doesn't hurt, so we need an extra supply of pelts. After curing them, we'll have excellent fur coats.
Fortunately, the local lynxes and foxes have great hides - they stay warm even in the fiercest winds. If you want to help, get us some pelts.


Hunting is hard work! But I think you can do it...


I think I heard a raven! Good omen...
Yes, I see you're a pretty good hunterhuntress, {username}! So many pelts, and most are undamaged. You must have done this for years! Broddie was right, your help will be much appreciated!


Experience: +165760

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