Dangerous Barrels



Carry the barrels.


I know you Orcs are fond of the bottle... right?! Admit it! Hehe.Here on Isa we had to figure out a lot of things. You have no idea!They say you have your own sages... But ours aren't bad either!They say you have your own sages... But ours aren't bad either!They say you have your own sages... But ours aren't bad either!They say you have your own sages... But ours aren't bad either!They say you have your own sages... But ours aren't bad either!They say you have your own sages... But ours aren't bad either!
We have something to surprise those ugly cats with!
Especially if you remember the mead… Hehe. Over the centuries, our meadmakers have learned all sorts of interesting recipes... Explosive mead, for example! You just need to drop a barrel, and the consequences will be most impressive. Enough to scare those savages out of their wits!
But we have one problem - these barrels are very heavy, and there is no one to carry them. Maybe you can do it, {username}? Just bring them to the three marked spots, and from there they can be dropped on the attacking Urun!


Yes, the barrels are heavy, but what can we do?!


Excellent! That's how it's done - we don't attack in a crowd like savages, but prepare in advance...
We have all sorts of secrets here. Maybe in time you will see other unusual things!


Experience: +110320

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