First Order: Saber-Toothed Menace



Eliminate the Sabertooths and Urun.


Look what the wind blew in! White hides, fangs and claws are all over the forest! They also brought Sabertooths with them.
And look! There is also a Jotunn! How did they get him to come here?
Eh, I would love to join in, throw a few punches. But I can’t - I'm on guard duty!
Oh, bother... But I think we can fight them back... with your help, {username}. There is also your friend Murk who wants to prove that he has nothing in common with these distant relatives of his.I bet you want that, too. So go ahead. Kill those Sabertooths and the Urun together!
And don't let the Jotunn crush you! He is terribly fierce and won't be easy to take down, so let’s try to come up with something.


There are many enemies, but you two can handle it!


Glorious battle!
I heard everything from here! Yes, you and Murk make quite a pair, {username}! Oh, you dealt with them so quickly! I wish I could join you!
Even their teeth didn't help them! We'll have to ask our guys to collect the fangs afterwards - we'll make amulets from them...


Experience: +165760

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