Secrets of the Ash Tree



Discuss the Ritual of Thread Weaving with everyone involved.


Marvelous! So that's how it was. Our predecessors took this secret with them on their eternal journey!
{username}, we are afraid to reveal this secret to the world! What if the prophecy really comes true, and then Isa perishes? But now it's not just the fate of Isa that is at stake.
If we want to save the Ash Tree, then we have no other choice. The Ash Tree is already dying, and if we do not do this, it will definitely wither, and then Isa is doomed. Another future that awaits us is still unclear! So...let's take that risk!
We are ready to discuss the ritual...


Be sure to talk to everyone and get their opinion.


Well, that's good! We will also call on the spinners from the Fishermen and Meadmakers to strengthen the ritual. But we need to start preparing right now. We are going to the Ash Tree and we will tell fortunes all night, and we will send for your friends in the morning.
You can rest for now.


Experience: +98040

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