Full Picture



Return the sixth fragment of the Carpet of Fate to its place.


{username}, I hear you have found the missing carpet? I knew something was missing! Let's get the lost piece back.
It's not right to make changes to the story, even if we don't like it. Bad things come from this. It's important to remember how everything was: both good and bad. There's a lesson in that.
As for Koll, all secrets will be revealed sooner or later.


Come on, I can't wait to see the full picture!


I wonder why this fragment was put up at first, then removed?
Were those Thread Keepers afraid to conceal the true Fate? And then later, perhaps, caution outweighed everything else?
Maybe it was Frigga who gave Koll the fragment about him? What do you think, {username}?


Experience: +49020

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