Secret Abilities



Talk to Sarbaz Raemka at the Nezebgrad Port.


I have been studying Marta's report, and it looks like she missed something.
I'm not surprised! You need more than just a degree from our Research Institute to understand all the intricacies of this apparatus! No, first you have to die from a horrible plague, spend a couple thousand years in the grave, be resurrected - and then you can say you have enough experience to go with your intuition!
Let me tell you a story. Our whole world is permeated with magic, and way back in the era of the June civilization, the art of teleportation was developed using that magical energy. There are ruins of their ancient portals everywhere. This instrument, which Marta calls "Teleporter", used to be called something entirely different - an "Adventurer's Stone".
And to reward you for everything you've done, I'll let you be the first to test its secret abilities.
Go to the Nezebgrad Port north of Nezebgrad. Find the scientist named Sarbaz Raemka, and tell him you will test the Adventurer's Stone. He'll tell you what to do.


Are you from Yasskul Isis? Well then, I've got everything ready. Let's start!


Experience: +680

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