


Get to the other side of the blockage and find out where the underground corridor leads.
  • Enter the Irene catacombs
    (The obstruction has been cleared, and you can finally learn what's behind it...)
  • Talk to Eurial
    (First we need to find out what's going on...)
  • Defeat Eurial
    (There is no other way forward...)
  • Keep going...
    (We need to find out what's around that corner!)
  • Find the ritual site
    (It looks like I'm out of time, I'll have to continue onward on my own...)


We believe this is the finale of the story, {username}!
We have been informed that the obstruction has been cleared. Which means it's time for the final adventure. We have to say We are tired of hearing the recounts of what's happening. We want to see it ourselves. We don't think We are in danger.
As for you, you need to save your friend. The orc that might become a Great Mage...


Welcome to my kingdom, surface dweller! Be happy you'll see it with your eyes before you die!


Experience: +28500

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