Chasing the Elf



Speak with Avery de Grandeur on Cape of Good Hope.


The head of the disgraced House de Doucer is hiding out in Siveria. There are many secluded locations where he could be hiding, and we've already dispatched an avenger to look for him. However, we'd like you to help him find this criminal.

Our avenger's name is Avery de Grandeur and he is now exploring Siveria with Ermolai Sotnikov. Find him and offer to help with whatever he needs.

This mission may also be related to our "Nameless One". There are plenty of dark spots in the history of the House de Doucer. Perhaps later we'll have the time to tell you about all the subtleties of the Great Game...


I've been asking for help for a long time. I just assumed that my letters to Pierre de Desirae were lost en route.


I had to part ways with Ermolai some time ago. He went into the Cursed Temple and no one has seen him since. Now I'm stuck here with the others, holding back the undead that are pushing hard for the coast. I already know the location of the fugitive and with your help I hope to catch him.


Experience: +440
  • +100 reputation points with Elves

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